We are happy to announce availability of new RSS reader on the web landscape — BazQux Reader.

This is advanced RSS reader where people can read not only blog posts
but also comments to these posts.

Yes, you read it right. No more need to click items to see what people think about. No need to subscribe to comments or go back several times to the same page to see what's new. All the posts and comments in one place.

BazQux Reader works with comments the same way as with posts. It remembers what was read and displays only new comments next time.

It supports comments tree, user avatars and tags where available. 

It even shows you comments from Livejournal blogs (using some manual parsing, since LJ doesn't have comment feeds).

No registration is needed, just login with your Google/Facebook/Twitter or OpenID account (we don't need your email). Import from Google Reader is available, so you can quickly check it.

Some time is needed for comments to be crawled for fresh subscriptions. They usually appear in few minutes (try refresh page). Some blogs are not yet supported (especially ones with Facebook and Disqus comments, but we are working on it).

BazQux Reader allows you to read up to 15 subscriptions for free. Paid usage costs $30 yearly.

Your feedback is welcome