Happy to say that author of gReader Android app recently released News+ app which will support many other readers through extensions mechanism.

And BazQux Reader is one of the first supported readers!

It's nice to have Google Reader API. gReader developer didn't even contacted me with questions related to API. Just rolled out a working app! Thank you!

To get started with News+ install NewsPlus_beta.apk and BazQuxExtension_beta.apk. Most recent versions should be available at News+ GitHub page.

Then you'll need to set your mobile login & password in options menu as described in previous post.

And then you'll get this:
Nice, isn't it?

News+ is currently in Beta stage. Some bugs may appear. Please report them in gReader Google group.

Some bad news. Press app developers declined to support BazQux Reader. They think they support enough RSS readers at the moment. Strange decision.

And some good news again. Author of JustReader have sent me a beta version for tests. A bit more work is needed to be done but he promised to release JustReader with BazQux support before July 1st!